Friday, March 14, 2014

Blog #6 Stock

Dear Future College Student,

I know you are only 10 years old, but by the time you get into college, technology has probably changed a whole bunch. Originally when I started going to school, many instructors used overhead cameras to display documents to the whole class. Overhead cameras were basically machines that you would place a piece of plastic on and write on it. While widely not used in today's day and age, it was widely used and many people from my generation can remember using it during class. Hehe, it's funny how much technology has changed over the years. I remember back in the day when I had to actually take 30 minutes to connect to the Internet and load just 1 webpage. I know you probably don't find this very important, but it's always good to know what it was like before and how much it changed to today. By the time you're reading this, you might have a lot of e-books in your collection or required for your class, but you might not be asked to use hard print books as much. Although it might not necessarily be hard for you to understand physical books by the time you read this, it's just that physical books might not be in much use anymore. Growing up with physical books was very important because you actually had to keep track of the book and keep it from getting damaged. Personally, I prefer having a physical book rather than an e-book because it reminded me to read rather than trying to remember it having it in e-book form.


1 comment:

  1. I thought it was awesome that you brought up the Overhead Projector! I remember in elementary school, if somebody got in trouble they would have to stay in for recess and clean off the plastic. I also remember being called up to write an answer many times and smearing the ink from the pens, as I am left handed. My, how times have changed!
