Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog #5: A Better Pencil


After reading A Better Pencil, I have found that the book just reconfirms my bias against everything turning digital because personally there are some things, such as books, that I will always prefer to be in print format. I am usually ok with most things turning digital, such as writing and music and such, but I would prefer certain things to always be in physical format. Concerning the issue of technology use in classrooms, I have found these new technologies, like smart boards and the integrated projector/smart board things they use around WSU is very successful and are much better to use than the physical form. The integrated projector/smart board helps show online documents to the entire class and eliminates the effort needed like when overhead projectors were major in schools and everything had to be written on the plastic slide with those thin sharpie pens. The smartboards allow for a clean erase and don't need to be washed like the plastic slides used to be. In addition, the use of technology makes it easier for students to keep up with their school work and complete it faster because it is far more efficient than hand-writing everything. On the other hand, mostly every assignment being online makes it so the student could possibly procrastinate more and put off assignments until literally the last minute because assignments are uploaded to the Internet which is accessible almost anywhere. I always try to attend classes, even if attendance isn't necessary as I feel not getting that face to face interaction throws off my rhythm for the class. I use writing more for transmission as a majority of my assignments are online or supposed to be typed up.


  1. Agreed. I also encourage the digitalization of things however books are one of those things that I find hard to completely let go. As you also mentioned I to enjoy my digital music as well as some of the technologies being used in the class. Good post.

  2. Blogs I commented on:
    Blog 1:
    Blog 2:

  3. I would have to agree with you on the topic of Angel making it easier for procrastinators to get their homework done because back in the old day, I remember having to do my homework when I got to class if I forgot. I would be racing as fast as I can to read through and answer all the questions instead of doing it the hour before class like I do now. Angel makes it easier to procrastinate in the sense that the assignments are always up there and if you don’t know if you have something thats due, you are able to check on Angel where as back in my childhood, you wouldn't have been able to do that.
    You make it a good point to say that technology makes it easier for us to procrastinate and do our homework at the last second but it also makes us dumber in the sense of memorization. We tend to cram everything in our heads at one time instead of studying over a certain amount of time like like a week as we did back in the earlier parts of the twenty first century.
    A point you may have been able to add in here could have been from the book like Throuogh’s Decision to continue to use his own pencil for his vey own beliefs. For example, how some of students today don’t even look at angel and just write everything down as if nothing has changed since the new century started. All in all, this is an article I would have to highly agree with.

  4. I love smartboards! They are so useful in classrooms, from elementary school to college. What ever a teacher does on the smartboard can be saved as an image or editable file on a computer. This makes them incredibly useful for everything from lectures, to Kindergarten lessons!

  5. maybe it was just me and tm totally weird- but I remember it being cool to be the ohe to wipe off the overheads in elementary school... I remember even asking my parent for one for Xmas one year (like it was an affordable play toy). Anyway, I don't have much experience with the smart boards, we just started experimenting wtl them at the end of my high school years but most teachers stuck with powerpoints and while boards. I totally agree that new technology encourages you to procrastinate... I can read PDF assignments on my phone on the way to class and text a response to Angel during lunch... its ridiculous (not necessarily proud but it gets the job done). I'm curious to seethe technology my kids will be using! telepathic Dram transfer?
