Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blogs I Commented On

You talked about in your post how the main profit forming empire would be the illegal drug market due to that being one of the only things being discussed when talking about purchasing things with BitCoins. Do you believe that the drug market will be the only profit forming empire and that other legitimate markets (eg. clothing, eating out, (paying with bitcoins when eating out)) will not be able to take a stand and entice a bigger shopping base? Overall your post was interesting and it made me think back to my own post where I was talking about BitCoins and their overtaking of the currency system. I know a few friends who use to shop on Silk Road and actually bought some clothes with it. I was confused as to why they went to the trouble of buying it through Silk Road rather than go to an actual store, but nevertheless I found it interesting to mention.

I really like your post. When you mentioned how you were always surprised by people handing you their card instead of cash I guess I never thought about it until I started using my own debit card, and when I think about it, it is pretty surprising how often I choose to use my card rather than cash. I might get like a candy bar in the store and I would most likely use my card and completely forget I have cash just because the card has become so automatic to me. When I went home for Winter Break, The person that was taking me home would sometimes use one of those "Square" card readers to take payment from the riders, but I still opted to use cash to pay her.

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